Learn how to connect an HTML form to the database and email! It takes only 3 minutes. Read more

Elixon Theatre applied on one HTML form with fields split into 3 DIV groups.

Validation is implemented through Theatre's onMove callback.

Error bubbles are implemented using Elixon Tooltip.

Test Form



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Code Example

This is the code for this test form.

/* My form field validation */
function validateMyForm(nextFormPartNum, nextFormPart, theatre) {
var currPart=theatre.actors[theatre.index];
var retVal=true;
$("*:input.required", currPart)
.each(function() {
if (!$(this).val()) {
$(this).addClass('error').focus().et({color: red});
retVal=false; /* Prevent movement */
} else {

// Hide next/prev buttons as needed
if (retVal) $('#testNext').css('visibility', nextFormNum == theatre.actors.length - 1 ? 'hidden' : 'visible');
if (retVal) $('#testPrev').css('visibility', nextFormNum == 0 ? 'hidden' : 'visible');

return retVal;

/* Theatre Initialization */
itemWidth:"max", /* Stretch to fit container */
itemHeight:"max", /* Stretch to fit container */
controls: "none",
onMove: validateMyForm, /* Form validation */
autoplay: false,
paging: '#testPaging'